diff --git a/config.toml b/config.toml index ae59fae..45d4581 100644 --- a/config.toml +++ b/config.toml @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ enableRobotsTXT = true {name = "twitter", url = "https://twitter.com/GreenFoxLight"}, {name = "linkedin", url = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-trogant-232124224/"} ] - description = "Game Development | 3D Graphics" + description = "Game Development | 3D Graphics | TTRPGs" # | Sailing | Tabletop RPGs" [menu] diff --git a/content/posts/the_city_of_the_dead_1.md b/content/posts/the_city_of_the_dead_1.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5e04d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/the_city_of_the_dead_1.md @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +--- +title: "The City Of The Dead Part 1: Introduction" +date: 2023-04-16T12:59:36+02:00 +draft: false +--- + +Recently i have been working on a megadungeon: *The City Of The Dead*, as part of the Dungeon 23 challenge (to which i'm a very late arrival). +If you don't know what that is, Ben Milton of Questing Beast did a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OR37nOMv1g) about it. +The basic idea is: You create one dungeon room per day, for the entire year. +Each month is a new level. +So 356 rooms in 12 levels. + +My B/X system of choice is [Old School Essentials](https://necroticgnome.com), but apart from referencing pages for monster descriptions, this should be compatible with any B/X-adjacent system. + +This post contains the introduction and a few notes, later posts will contain the actual dungeon levels. + +----- + +## Introduction + +During the days of the first emperor *Aulus Octavius*, a large battle was fought near the Qurinial Hills. +Countless Soldiers on both sides were slain, but after days of bloody struggle, which only ended after *Archmage Arnouphis of Achea* unleashed powerful and forbidden magic, the empire emerged victorious. + +Afterwards, the emperor commanded the construction of a vast underground burial site. +Thousands of fallen soldiers were buried in it. +Over the years, the construction was expanded, as nearby towns and villages began using the site for their own dead. +Rumor has it, that even the emperors used the labyrinthian passages of the civitas mortuorum to hide some of their most powerful artifacts. + +After the fall of the empire, some seven hundred years ago, the structure was gradually forgotten by the human inhabitants of the area, as no one maintained it anymore. +So, it gradually fell to disrepair. +However, it was not completely abandoned. +A cult of the goddess of undeath, led by the charismatic necromancer *Sharkina*, made the complex their home. +There they hoped to raise a powerful knight, entombed after that first battle. +They were successful. The death knight *Lord Callias* rose from his tomb and with him many of his former comrades. +Many lives were lost, before a group of heroes managed to lure Callias into an ambush and slay him once more. +They brought him back to his tomb and used powerful magic to seal him away. + +The locals avoid the tomb for fear of the undead that haunt it, but other creatures – such as orcs and goblins – have fewer reservations about making it their home. +And it is said that Sharkina still dwells deep within the tomb, looking for a way to resurrect Lord Calias once more. + +## Formatting + +The rooms are described with bullet points. +Things that are obvious to anyone entering the room are in the first intendation level. +Anything that can only be noticed after more thorough investigation is included in the second indentation level. + +## Rules For Doors + +Unless otherwise stated in their descriptions, the following rules apply to all doors: + +* Doors have a 2-in-6 chance of being stuck. +* All doors are wooden with metal hinges, unless explicitly stated otherwise. +* Forcing open a stone door is done with a penalty of -1 to the roll unless proper tools are used. +* Lifting a portcullis requies a combined strength modifier of +3 (or a value of 18). + +## Treasure Values + +I assume a silver standard for this dungeon, where 1gp equals 10sp and 1sp equals 5cp. +Instead of the standard 1xp for 1gp, i use 1xp for 1sp. +Electrum pieces are used as halved gold pices worth 5sp. +If you want to use the standard treasure values, multiply all treasure by 10 (copper pieces by 5). +