
77 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2023-04-19 13:13:08 +02:00
#include <defocus/models.h>
#include <defocus/base.h>
#include <defocus/image.h>
#include <math.h>
2023-05-08 13:28:53 +02:00
void df_pinhole(df_pinhole_params params, const df_image *in_image, df_image *out_image)
/* orig_z is the z-coordinate of the original image plane (=> in_image is located there)
* new_z is the z-coordinate of the output image plane (=> out_image is located there)
* We can map from image coordinates to world coordinates, because we know the z coordinate of
* the input image plane and the focal length of the camera.
* Let x,y,z be the world coordinates and u, v the image coordintes.
* The pinhole camera model gives us:
* u = f/z * x; v = f/z * y
* => x = u * z / f
* => y = v * z / f
int w, h;
df_get_image_size(in_image, &w, &h);
int out_w, out_h;
df_get_image_size(out_image, &out_w, &out_h);
2023-05-08 13:28:53 +02:00
double in_z_over_f = params.orig_z / params.focal_length;
double out_f_over_z = params.focal_length / params.new_z;
int prev_out_iy = -1;
for (int iy = 0; iy < h; ++iy) {
double v = (double)iy / (double)h;
double y = in_z_over_f * v;
double out_v = out_f_over_z * y;
int out_iy = (int)floor(out_v * (double)out_h);
int prev_out_ix = -1;
for (int ix = 0; ix < w; ++ix) {
double u = (double)ix / (double)w;
double x = in_z_over_f * u;
double out_u = out_f_over_z * x;
int out_ix = (int)floor(out_u * (double)out_w);
df_color px = df_get_image_pixel(in_image, ix, iy);
df_set_image_pixel(out_image, out_ix, out_iy, px);
/* Go back and interpolate between this pixel and the previous one. */
if ((out_ix - prev_out_ix) > 1) {
df_color prev_px = df_get_image_pixel(out_image, prev_out_ix, out_iy);
for (int d = prev_out_ix + 1; d < out_ix; ++d) {
double t = (double)(d - prev_out_ix) / (double)(out_ix - prev_out_ix);
df_color color = df_lerp_color(prev_px, px, t);
df_set_image_pixel(out_image, d, out_iy, color);
prev_out_ix = out_ix;
/* Go back and interpolate between this row and the previous one */
if ((out_iy - prev_out_iy) > 1) {
for (int y = prev_out_iy + 1; y < out_iy; ++y) {
double t = (double)(y - prev_out_iy) / (double)(out_iy - prev_out_iy);
for (int x = 0; x < out_w; ++x) {
df_color a = df_get_image_pixel(out_image, x, prev_out_iy);
df_color b = df_get_image_pixel(out_image, x, out_iy);
df_color color = df_lerp_color(a, b, t);
df_set_image_pixel(out_image, x, y, color);
prev_out_iy = out_iy;