{ "entries" : [ { "name" : "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Build shared libraries" } ], "type" : "BOOL", "value" : "OFF" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_AR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Path to a program." } ], "type" : "FILEPATH", "value" : "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.32.31326/bin/Hostx64/x64/lib.exe" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "No help, variable specified on the command line." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "Debug" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "This is the directory where this CMakeCache.txt was created" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "d:/Code/Projects/kde/out/build/x64-Debug" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CACHE_MAJOR_VERSION", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Major version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "3" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CACHE_MINOR_VERSION", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Minor version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "22" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CACHE_PATCH_VERSION", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Patch version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "22040401" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_COMMAND", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Path to CMake executable." } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/CMake/bin/cmake.exe" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CPACK_COMMAND", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Path to cpack program executable." } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/CMake/bin/cpack.exe" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Path to ctest program executable." } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/CMake/bin/ctest.exe" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "CXX compiler" } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.32.31326/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the CXX compiler during all build types." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /GR /EHsc" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the CXX compiler during DEBUG builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the CXX compiler during MINSIZEREL builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/O1 /Ob1 /DNDEBUG" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the CXX compiler during RELEASE builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the CXX compiler during RELWITHDEBINFO builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/Zi /O2 /Ob1 /DNDEBUG" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Libraries linked by default with all C++ applications." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_C_COMPILER", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "C compiler" } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.32.31326/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_C_FLAGS", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the C compiler during all build types." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the C compiler during DEBUG builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the C compiler during MINSIZEREL builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/O1 /Ob1 /DNDEBUG" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the C compiler during RELEASE builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the C compiler during RELWITHDEBINFO builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/Zi /O2 /Ob1 /DNDEBUG" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_C_STANDARD_LIBRARIES", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Libraries linked by default with all C applications." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_FORMAT", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Executable file format" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "Unknown" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during all build types." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/machine:x64" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during DEBUG builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/debug /INCREMENTAL" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during MINSIZEREL builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/INCREMENTAL:NO" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during RELEASE builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/INCREMENTAL:NO" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during RELWITHDEBINFO builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/debug /INCREMENTAL" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Enable/Disable output of compile commands during generation." } ], "type" : "BOOL", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Name of external makefile project generator." } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_GENERATOR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Name of generator." } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "Ninja" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Generator instance identifier." } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Name of generator platform." } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Name of generator toolset." } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_HAVE_PTHREAD_H", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Have include pthread.h" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Source directory with the top level CMakeLists.txt file for this project" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "D:/Code/Projects/kde" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "User executables (bin)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "bin" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Read-only architecture-independent data (DATAROOTDIR)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Read-only architecture-independent data root (share)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "share" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Documentation root (DATAROOTDIR/doc/PROJECT_NAME)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "C header files (include)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "include" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_INFODIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Info documentation (DATAROOTDIR/info)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Object code libraries (lib)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "lib" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Program executables (libexec)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "libexec" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Locale-dependent data (DATAROOTDIR/locale)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Modifiable single-machine data (var)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "var" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Man documentation (DATAROOTDIR/man)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_OLDINCLUDEDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "C header files for non-gcc (/usr/include)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "/usr/include" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "No help, variable specified on the command line." } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "D:/Code/Projects/kde/out/install/x64-Debug" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Run-time variable data (LOCALSTATEDIR/run)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_SBINDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "System admin executables (sbin)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "sbin" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_SHAREDSTATEDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Modifiable architecture-independent data (com)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "com" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Read-only single-machine data (etc)" } ], "type" : "PATH", "value" : "etc" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_LINKER", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Path to a program." } ], "type" : "FILEPATH", "value" : "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.32.31326/bin/Hostx64/x64/link.exe" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "make program" } ], "type" : "FILEPATH", "value" : "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/Ninja/ninja.exe" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of modules during all build types." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/machine:x64" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of modules during DEBUG builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/debug /INCREMENTAL" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of modules during MINSIZEREL builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/INCREMENTAL:NO" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of modules during RELEASE builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/INCREMENTAL:NO" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of modules during RELWITHDEBINFO builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/debug /INCREMENTAL" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_MT", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Path to a program." } ], "type" : "FILEPATH", "value" : "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/bin/10.0.19041.0/x64/mt.exe" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_NUMBER_OF_MAKEFILES", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "number of local generators" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "4" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_PLATFORM_INFO_INITIALIZED", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Platform information initialized" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "kde_win" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "3.3.8" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "3" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "3" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "8" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION_TWEAK", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_RANLIB", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "noop for ranlib" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : ":" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_RC_COMPILER", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "RC compiler" } ], "type" : "FILEPATH", "value" : "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/bin/10.0.19041.0/x64/rc.exe" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_RC_COMPILER_WORKS", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_RC_FLAGS", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags for Windows Resource Compiler during all build types." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "-DWIN32" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_RC_FLAGS_DEBUG", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags for Windows Resource Compiler during DEBUG builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "-D_DEBUG" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_RC_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags for Windows Resource Compiler during MINSIZEREL builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_RC_FLAGS_RELEASE", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags for Windows Resource Compiler during RELEASE builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_RC_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags for Windows Resource Compiler during RELWITHDEBINFO builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_ROOT", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Path to CMake installation." } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/CMake/share/cmake-3.22" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of shared libraries during all build types." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/machine:x64" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of shared libraries during DEBUG builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/debug /INCREMENTAL" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of shared libraries during MINSIZEREL builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/INCREMENTAL:NO" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of shared libraries during RELEASE builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/INCREMENTAL:NO" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of shared libraries during RELWITHDEBINFO builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/debug /INCREMENTAL" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "If set, runtime paths are not added when installing shared libraries, but are added when building." } ], "type" : "BOOL", "value" : "NO" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "If set, runtime paths are not added when using shared libraries." } ], "type" : "BOOL", "value" : "NO" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of static libraries during all build types." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "/machine:x64" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of static libraries during DEBUG builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of static libraries during MINSIZEREL builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of static libraries during RELEASE builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Flags used by the linker during the creation of static libraries during RELWITHDEBINFO builds." } ], "type" : "STRING", "value" : "" }, { "name" : "CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE", "properties" : [ { "name" : "ADVANCED", "value" : "1" }, { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "If this value is on, makefiles will be generated without the .SILENT directive, and all commands will be echoed to the console during the make. This is useful for debugging only. With Visual Studio IDE projects all commands are done without /nologo." } ], "type" : "BOOL", "value" : "FALSE" }, { "name" : "FIND_PACKAGE_MESSAGE_DETAILS_Threads", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Details about finding Threads" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "[TRUE][v()]" }, { "name" : "GLFW_BINARY_DIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "D:/Code/Projects/kde/out/build/x64-Debug/glfw" }, { "name" : "GLFW_BUILD_DOCS", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Build the GLFW documentation" } ], "type" : "BOOL", "value" : "OFF" }, { "name" : "GLFW_BUILD_EXAMPLES", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Build the GLFW example programs" } ], "type" : "BOOL", "value" : "OFF" }, { "name" : "GLFW_BUILD_TESTS", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Build the GLFW test programs" } ], "type" : "BOOL", "value" : "OFF" }, { "name" : "GLFW_INSTALL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Generate installation target" } ], "type" : "BOOL", "value" : "ON" }, { "name" : "GLFW_IS_TOP_LEVEL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "OFF" }, { "name" : "GLFW_SOURCE_DIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "D:/Code/Projects/kde/glfw" }, { "name" : "GLFW_USE_HYBRID_HPG", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Force use of high-performance GPU on hybrid systems" } ], "type" : "BOOL", "value" : "OFF" }, { "name" : "GLFW_VULKAN_STATIC", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Assume the Vulkan loader is linked with the application" } ], "type" : "BOOL", "value" : "OFF" }, { "name" : "USE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DLL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Use MSVC runtime library DLL" } ], "type" : "BOOL", "value" : "ON" }, { "name" : "_GNUInstallDirs_LAST_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX during last run" } ], "type" : "INTERNAL", "value" : "D:/Code/Projects/kde/out/install/x64-Debug" }, { "name" : "kde_BINARY_DIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "D:/Code/Projects/kde/out/build/x64-Debug/app/src/main/cpp" }, { "name" : "kde_IS_TOP_LEVEL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "OFF" }, { "name" : "kde_SOURCE_DIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "D:/Code/Projects/kde/app/src/main/cpp" }, { "name" : "kde_win_BINARY_DIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "D:/Code/Projects/kde/out/build/x64-Debug" }, { "name" : "kde_win_IS_TOP_LEVEL", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "ON" }, { "name" : "kde_win_SOURCE_DIR", "properties" : [ { "name" : "HELPSTRING", "value" : "Value Computed by CMake" } ], "type" : "STATIC", "value" : "D:/Code/Projects/kde" } ], "kind" : "cache", "version" : { "major" : 2, "minor" : 0 } }